Veins Zombie Shoot
I have finally found a photographer and a model for this make up shoot. I mentioned the theme earlier in my blog, I'm going to create it in the style of Alex Box and make it look a bit like a painting by using brushes of colour and contour shading. I want to create a pale, gaunt face with veins coming out of the eyebrows to look different from all my other zombie images.
I found the photographer, Eddie Mansfield, on model mayhem. I'm a bit nervous to use him as the photos that he has put up on his profile are quite weird and his themes are quite outrageous! However I have decided to go with my instincts as he has edited all his photos really well so I'm sure with my theme it will work well.
The model I have chosen is a friend of a friend. I picked her not only because she is attractive and photographs well but she has quite a long forehead so I will be able to extend the veins further!
The studio is all booked now. I have printed off a medical reference to help draw on the veins accurately otherwise they'll end up looking amateur.
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