Twenty eight people worked in the make up department on this film. All the main characters were made up with outrageous and impressive make up designs. They are all highly editorial, using wigs, contact lenses and prosthetic pieces, for example six of the characters had oversized prosthetic features, such as: 'the woman with a large nose', 'the woman with big ears', 'the woman with a large poitrine', 'the man with a large stomach', 'the man with a large chin' and 'the man with a big forehead'.
The red queen had a unique look that took at least a couple of hours every day to complete. The wig sits at the back of her head, showing a receding hairline, and Helen Bonham Carter had to have a bald cap, that got rid of her natural hairline this then had to be coloured over, followed by her make up. The big wig went on last. After researching this character, I have been able to relate it to the bloody zombie shoot as I wasn't entirely happy with the way the blood didn't extended into the hair. From looking at this character I realise I could have used some of the methods and techniques used to disguise the hairline, and apply it to the 'bloody zombie' shoot. This is something that I can consider in future. Although I haven't learnt properly how to apply bald caps, they're used so frequently in TV and film, I will have to understand the process and will need training.

I have aspired to all the bright colours he has used in the characters especially on Johnny Depp as the Mad Hatter. I loved the bright fluorescent green contact lenses and his contrasting bright orange hair. The gap in his teeth, white face and different shades of pink under his eyes, cheeks and mouth culminates in a freaky, interpretation of the storybook character. With regard to the lenses, I have used white lenses widely in my shoots, and also my trailer. Like Tim Burton, I feel that the changing of the eye ball gives another dimension to a character. In Alice In Wonderland it adds to the zany, wild, fantasy character of the Mad Hatter; in my zombie shoots and trailer they add an eerie quality that takes the viewer out of real life into a nightmare scenario.

The White Queen played by Anne Hathaway, is the most literal in terms of make up. She has given me an idea of what I want to achieve in my next photo shoot (see Renaissance). I like how the White Queen has extremely pale skin, almost white, but her eyebrows remain dark with dark red lipstick. The white face and red lips show the innocence of someone sheltered from the real world. I want to recreate this ethereal look and try and keep the naivete of the White Queen and apply it to an editorial design in keeping with my project.

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