I started off the day by making up 4 zombie characters, each zombie would have the infinity symbol engraved onto their necks...
Character 1: Timothy Monk.
Inspiration: Infinity shoot, Graduate film make up shoot, Bloody Zombie shoot
I wanted this design to contrast blood and gore with editorial and I did this by combining elements taken from previous designs in the final shoots such as creating the Infinity wound symbol on his neck under his chin, blood and bruising on his mouth based on similar characteristics from the bloody zombie shoot where his lips are bruised from hacking away at human limbs. I took inspiration from the black thread used in the graduate film make up shoot to bring in the editorial element. By placing the thread under one eye then having it go vertically down the face represents a tear drop. I made a painting when I did an art foundation and I dripped black acrylic down the page from under her eye to look like tears and I loved the marks it made. I tried to achieve a similar look only using thread. By having the horizontal infinity wound across his neck and the the vertical thread coming down the face creates a perfect structure as the viewers eye gets lead dow his face by the vertical thread to the wound which remains horizontal.
How did I do the make up:
The lighting kit we used was quite bright so therefore the base had to quite heavy. I applied the black thread with spirit gum and the wound the same way I did on Anthony on day two of filming, using tuplast, rigid collodion, greasepaint, wound filler congealed and pro blood in dark.
Character 2: Felix Gittins
Inspiration: Bloody Zombie Shoot, Editorial girl zombie shoot.
I created the same Infinity symbol wound as I did for Timothy on his neck under his chin. I wanted his eyes to stand out so I painted purple and black under his eyes which also represents soreness. I used red thread the same as I did for Pedrom when we shot the zombie chase in central London. I learnt from that day as I shouldn't have stuck the thread on till last as it comes loose with movement and it also starts to crinkle, from this acknowledgement I will place the thread on last and just before he starts his scene.I followed the same principle of keeping the lips deep purple so that it represents blood and doesn't look feminine. I also created a similar scar to the one I did on Duncan on the bloody zombie shoot which looked extremely effective.
How did I do the make up:
I applied the purple greasepaint under the eye. Greasepaint worked the best as opposed to aqua or shadow as it's easier to blend and shadow often drops down the face which can cause the make up to smudge, which I learnt from past experiences. I used a deep purple lipstick from No7. I created the scar using the same technique on the bloody zombie shoot and on Jeremy Gittins in the basement scene, using rigid collodion. The Infinity wound was created in the same way as the others (please see Anthony Roberts make up for basement scene for details).
Character 3: Jodie Bourke
Inspiration: Editorial girl zombie shoot, Bloody Zombie shoot
I created this look based on the black eyelashes from editorial girl zombie shoot and the blood and gore from the bloody zombie shoot with a few extra wounds on her cheek as her character is a vicious zombie.
Charater 4: Pedrom Kamali - Zonouzi
Inspiration: Medical Reference of graze.
This design was quite basic. Apart from the Infinity along with the other zombies engraved onto the neck I just applied a mixture of fresh scratch wound filler and greasepaint for bruising colours on the left side of his cheek.
First shot: We set the lighting up in the kitchin for the shot where Jodie appears through the window in the background as Ant is circling a frozen person. We had to do this shot in the Kitchin as the initial plan was to shoot it in the front room window but there wasn't enough natural light for it to work. But we managed to work around doing it in the Kitchin which worked better as the window was longer which meant it got more of her body in.
Second shot: So that we had a diverse selection of people in the trailer we got my elderly neighbour to play a frozen extra. All she had to do was stay still but it was hard to get her to understand what we were doing so after a few attempts we got there in the end.
Individual Make up shots: I wanted to get zoomed in individual head shots of zombies to really exhibit a close up of my make up designs. These would be short snippets in the trailer but to show my make up in close detail.
We also filmed shots outside where lighting wasn't required as it was conveniently a really sunny day. Giles who was operating the camera filmed from different angles to give a variety and also to see what angles would best show off my make up which I can adapt accordingly in the editing process. I liked the angles where Giles filmed low on the ground and zombies would attack from above as it created a real action shot but with a full view of all the make up as it was birds eye view only looking up.
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