Saturday 27 March 2010

Slight change of plan...

In my initial statement of intent I said I was going to include a trailer for a zombie film and a blog that shows the process of how I got from my initial design right through to the finished trailer, as part of my final product. Also, that I will be writing a 'Reflective Diary' that shows the progress of my work throughout my project. However, I've decided to change this and incorporate my blog showing the development process as my Reflective Diary, in one. The reason for changing is that I feel that by combining the two together, I will be able to carry out a far more detailed and thorough reflection on the development process. By 'blogging' the Reflective Diary, it will be posted on the internet and therefore available for anyone to see. This might be useful in the future should potential employers wish to know more about my work, as I can link it to my portfolio.

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